Wednesday, May 8, 2013


If, sometimes, you check this blog and nothing new is up, and then all of a sudden there are a bunch of posts showing events from last week, it's because of the current constraints on my time. Occasionally I have to batch-post and then backdate to when things actually happened. Fortunately it's easy to keep track thanks to the timestamps on photos. 

So even though this post says May 8, I actually wrote it on the 16th. You can expect to see many posts from the past week in the next 24 hours. 

Basically, this is a picture I took late in the evening on the 8th of all the plants I started from seed. On the far right you have tomatoes (some of which had already been planted). Then moving left, cucumbers, a bunch of different lettuces, some scallions, and then a bunch of herbs: parsley, sage, thyme, oregano, basil, chives. Yes, there's rosemary as well, but I had to buy a plant for that. 

Everything but the tomatoes will be planted in the backyard planter. 

Parsley, sage, and a bunch of other things. 

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